Boxer Arthur Abraham besucht die „Bridge of Hope“ („Huysi kamurg“-armenisch) NGO in Eriwan.
Die NGO ist eine staatlich unabhängige Organisation und wurde 1996 gegründet. Sie zählt in Armenien als lokaler Initiator für Integration und engagiert sich für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Sie steht für Chancengleichheit in der Bildung und am Arbeitsmarkt sowie für Anerkennung und Teilnahme am Gemeinschaftsleben.
Seit vielen Jahren engagiert sich Arthur Abraham für Menschen mit Behinderung aus Deutschland und Armenien.
A. Abraham ist der Meinung, dass es möglich sei, die Diskriminierung von Kindern mit Behinderungen in Armenien zu beseitigen, wenn der Staat und die Gesellschaft die Prinzipien der Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit folgen.
Boxer Arthur Abraham visit „Bridge of Hope“ („Huysi kamurg“-armenian) NGO in Yerevan.
The Bridge of Hope („Huysi kamurg“-armenian) NGO is strong local non-governmental organisation, established in 1996. The NGO is recognized in Armenia as the local initiator of inclusive education in the country and an NGO committed to the rights of persons with disabilities for equal opportunities in education, workforce and participation community life. It is experienced in successful advocacy work and actively involved in the formulation and adoption of amendments of seven laws directly related to the social, economic and cultural right of persons with disabilities.
A. Abraham say that believes that It is possible to eradicate discrimination towards children with disabilities in Armenia if the state and the society will demonstrate willingness to follow the principles of equality and justice.
No one in the world is insured from disability or becoming a parent of a child with disability so solving problems that the persons with disabilities face in everyday life, we insure indirectly ourselves.
Many children and NGO staff members didn’t want to miss the chance of having their pictures taken with the world champion and ask for his autograph.
Boxer Arthur Abraham visit „Bridge of Hope“ („Huysi kamurg“-armenian) NGO in Yerevan.
The Bridge of Hope („Huysi kamurg“-armenian) NGO is strong local non-governmental organisation, established in 1996. The NGO is recognized in Armenia as the local initiator of inclusive education in the country and an NGO committed to the rights of persons with disabilities for equal opportunities in education, workforce and participation community life. It is experienced in successful advocacy work and actively involved in the formulation and adoption of amendments of seven laws directly related to the social, economic and cultural right of persons with disabilities.
A. Abraham say that believes that It is possible to eradicate discrimination towards children with disabilities in Armenia if the state and the society will demonstrate willingness to follow the principles of equality and justice.
No one in the world is insured from disability or becoming a parent of a child with disability so solving problems that the persons with disabilities face in everyday life, we insure indirectly ourselves.
Many children and NGO staff members didn’t want to miss the chance of having their pictures taken with the world champion and ask for his autograph.